It is known that what the mind believes so the body believes.
But it is also true that the bodyfeeds back to the mind by being in good condition.
Welcome to a conscious training style, which refers to being in the present moment connected with your body.
Created by someone who was on the side of physical pain before and today that is ancient history.
First of all I tell you...
Did you know that with conscious physical exercise (only focusing on movement and breathing) and according to your needs, you can alleviate the ailments that poor posture has caused without us realizing it?
Bad postural habits are caused by inappropriate postures when performing the tasks we want to do.
It is obvious that we like to be on the computer, it is the age of technology, but why suffer those back pains later if they can be avoided with proper training?
Just as not all tastes are for everyone, the same thing would happen with physical exercises. First you have to realize "where you are" to know where you should go.
Body awareness performs this task by letting us know how our body moves in continuous harmony even if it is in a bad posture to compensate and return to balance, creating movement patterns that later create pain in the body.
I invite you to discover this way of training that I have created
to relieve my muscle pain and now I share it with you.
Body awareness performs this task by letting us know how our body moves in continuous harmony even if it is in a bad posture to compensate and return to balance, creating movement patterns that later create pain in the body.
see you inside!
If you have questions, write to me:
Thanks!!! -> And remember that if you want to start relieving lower back pain you can subscribe to the free ebook☺
See what those who already tried this new way of training said