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Express Course for the Relief of muscle pain

Being able to move without pain in the body after hours of work in our daily lives can be frustrating at times. 


This workshop will help you alleviate some of those most common pains, such as neck and shoulder pain, and waist pain, so thatcome back to enjoy your relaxing timeafter your obligations.


The pains can be caused by: 


  1. spend so much time sitting in front of the computer,

  2. Reading,

  3. studying,

  4. watching TV,

  5. using the cell phone,

  6. embroidering,

  7. giving classes,

  8. taking classes etc

No matter what the cause is, the solution will come from being able to have greater body awareness andmove the body naturallythus relieving discomfort

What will the Intensive Workshop be like?

The course is completely online with each exercise recorded along with its explanation.


A week before the inaugural class, access to the videos will be given so that they can watch them and they can even ask questions that will be answered in class.




You will learn between 1 and 3 exercises to:


  • breathe better

  • relieve knees

  • relieve the waist

  • Relieve shoulders and neck


What will you learn?

What am I going to take?

You will take with you the knowledge of why the body hurts sometimes, and how to return to enjoying a life without discomfort through the awareness of the body when training.

Access to the online school where you can access all the videosas many times as they wish and consult all the doubts they have to comment during all the time they access the school, that is, FOREVER!







  • Access to the school for life to be able to consult as many times as you want

  • Study material in PDF format. 

  • Belong to a Private Facebook group for questions, comments, interact, etc., after the workshop is over.





Items required, if possible:


  • Yoga mat or blanket to perform the exercises

  • Elastic band

  • Broomstick

  • tennis ball

  • Mop

  • Yoga cue or book



What will you need for the Course?



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